Fisker dealer support

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Knock on wood, but what if our car gets damaged? Would it take a long time to find parts?
Well if that happens I think Fisker is prepared for those kinds of situations and service centers are being rolled out across the country, to make sure that Fisker owners won't have a hard time finding a dealership or a mechanic that could service their car. This is what I like about Fisker to put it bluntly, they care and they make sure that it won't cause more hassle to their customers considering that having a problem with their vehicle is already an inconvenience. Don't worry we can always rely on this company.
I dont think it would take that long for parts to arrive. local dealerships have parts readily available if they need sudden replacement. Fisker is a dependable manufacturing company and I dont think they would ever let us down.
It's pretty normal to deal with delays when waiting on parts for newly released rides. Supply chains always take a hot minute to catch up with the hype.
If it gets to that point, delays for parts on new vehicles are pretty typical. I had to wait a whole month back in 2016 when my other car was broken into and needed the door trim and glass replaced.

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