Fisker ocean chapter 11

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So, what's the consensus? Are we just filing this thing under "things I'll never understand," or is there some crucial action we need to take? And let's be real, that $1k deposit, anyone holding out hope, or are we all just writing it off as a pricey life lesson? Is there even a point in officially canceling the FOU order now, or are we just throwing good keystrokes after bad? Anyone with actual legal or financial experience.
At this point, the Chapter 11 letter makes it clear, you can’t go after Fisker Inc. for anything without potential consequences. Canceling the FOU order might not even matter now. That $1K deposit? Probably a lost cause, but it’s a gamble either way.
Canceling probably won't do much, but do it anyway, just to have it on file. If you used a credit card, you could try disputing the charge, but it's a real long shot.

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