$200 for 2023 Fisker Ocean service manual

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Hello! I have just seen someone trying to sell a 2023 Fisker Ocean service manual pdf file on eBay for $200. Who the heck would buy that?
$200 for a PDF of a Fisker repair guide? That's crazy! Even if you like fixing cars yourself it's probably not worth it. Because Fisker's having problems the information might be wrong or useless soon. Who knows if that manual will even be helpful in the future? You'd be better off spending that money on tools or car cleaning stuff. Unless you're a professional or planning to take a Fisker apart.
Are the pages made of gold? that price of $200 for a digital document is outrageous. It is probably for the hardcore DIYers or independent mechanics who are excited to wrench on Oceans. maybe fisker will come out with official service details down the road.

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